Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A Breach of Trust

In relationships there seems to come a pivotal moment. More than likely it is un-noticeable. It is as slight as a mosquito landing on your wrist or an autumn leaf getting tangled in your hair. It is the moment that everything changes. I can't help but wonder if change befalls us whether we are ready or not or somehow we bring it about with a troubled heart. Let's take friends. We all start off as friends and if we are lucky ( or not ) we blossom into something more. At this stage, we trust or associate with no ill intent the words, facial gestures, and intentions of our potential partner. We are in fact EVEN at this point. In short it can be said that I have determined that you wish me no ill and you do not perceive that I wish anything evil on you. So, even the most questionable response, the oddest twink of the eye, even the out of place comment are taken...innocently. This is crucial to our foundation...our friendship...this most important assumption. After the years pile up on your relationship and hardships wax and wane, this fundamental base "that I wish you no harm" can become blurred. It is like a little worm ate it's way into our hearts. Once the foundation is compromised, it is doubtful that the best construction work will repair the damage of the infestation. I don't like to think that this corruption is inevidible. I like to think that the most compatible of us are immune to this disease...however I really don't fucking know. You hear things like, "don't go to bed mad" and it seems like such a simple thing to maintain a trust. However, it is as fragile as a pink antique ballerina rose. Relationships are friendships but at their heart they are more than that... they are friendships that aspired to "go to the moon"... they are friendships turned up to "11", they are friendships on acid at a Grateful Dead Concert...At least that is the way I see it.