Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Meaning Of "IS"

There are many things in the world that are evil, and justice is not only blind, but absent from the universe. Yes, the world has, and will always be full of evil. But in this current time there seems to be a great de-evolution of the moral imperative. A jail is run by the lackeys and bootlicks, socially promoted and careless to their great responsibilities. I used to work in the legal busines and I can tell you that there has been an attitude of insolence and laxity since oh, lets say 1974 something. Just about the time of the ' New Atlanta', my father talked about when he worked down at the capital. I began to notice it first hand between 1989 and 1997.Signs such as,"How many people have you helped today" smack of a cretinous arrogance, smugness and surliness that is hard to stomach from a government employee,such as a mere clerk in one of the filing rooms at the superior court.Someone who had taken a civil service exam and was "entitled" to that postion in the "new" south.Unqualified to work in the private sector postion, don't fear, congress has just voted more money from the qualified to help you, the unmotivated and careless, a job, you can work in the federal or state government, its owed to you.No, you don't have to shift a cultural paradigm brother, the world of Huey P. Long and Jimmy Carter is here today. Its not results that matter, its the fact that somone owes you something and I'm going to take it from them and give it to you.
You need not fear spiritual trial and enlightenment by growth intellectually, you don't have to think outside the box, be a drone.Live and die a simple life, uncomplicated by such thoughts as 'We've inherited a infrastructure, neighborhoods that were built by those before us, schools that were safe, clean and organized streets paved and smooth, a vital community that had security and a low crime rate'. It dosen't ever matter what you do , where or who you are, but what you do with your responsiblities, to yourself, your families, and your communities. The gifts that you are given , what are you going to do with them? Is Atlanta a better place since 1966 ? What do you think? Will you give an intellectually vapid answer of yes?Why ?Because your profeessor at Emory told you so, because Bono said so in some lyrics he wrote on the back of a cocktail napkin while flying from Sierra Leone to Stockholm in first class?I invite you to explore the truth, look at pictures of Bankhead highway from the 1930s to the 1960s.Talk to a woman who grew up in Atalnta in the 30s and 40s,ask about how she could go downtown to see a late movie after work and take the trolly(a bus today)back to the West End, unmolested, unharrased, and unharmed.Care to try that today? Did you answer yes reflexively(?), test it ,take your girlfriend, mother,wife or daughter and test it out and get back to me with your repudation,conditioned by your own lack of intellectual sincerity.Go to the airport and watch a dozen stong men pass through the line, and then see security drone halt and take a 78 year old woman to private room to be strip searched.
When the Ottoman empire, founded by turkomen from the steppes, wild and barbarous,
finally crushed the Byzantine empire at the begining of the rennasiance,they inherited an infrastructue of magnificent proportions.Beautiful buildings, art treasures, viaducts, roads and harbors that were the envy of the world.Many cultures had thrived inside and outside the walls of the fortress city,before the the emperor of the turks rode into the greatest cathederal in the olde world(on horseback),and desecrated one of the greatest symbols in the world.But by turn, he reconsecrated the cathederal into a mosque, took what clerks he had,melded them with the bueracracy of the Byzantines and expanded the freedoms and practices of those within the fortress city walls, Muslim, Jew ,Gnostic, Heretic, Pagan and loyal Christian practiced, prospered, and thrived in a way that many other cultures and countries found impossible if not uninmaginable at the time.This in only a few short years. This was done without an act of congress, the'moral force' of a president waging a 'war on poverty,' or state troops guarding a schoolhouse.WHAT DID THESE WARLORDS, MEN ONLY USED TO THE HARDSHIPS OF LIFE,BATTLE AND LOSS KNOW THAT THE SO CALLED GREAT LEADERS DIDN'T,DON'T KNOW EVEN NOW?Perhaps it was the very srtuggles that made them capable of seeing beyond the mere satisfaction of there daily need, lusts and desires, the short term pleasures versus the long term goals that seem to be so absent today in our"great Society".
Every thing you do matters in some way or the other, you are made up of the decisions you make, in everything. Everything matters.Who you sleep with is who you are, if you sleep with dogs you will get up with fleas and other parasites of the flesh and the mind.If you are slacking off all day and would rather go out for breakfast than stay at your post(security camera monitors) and watch a man overpower a absurdly chosen guard and stroll up to coutroom and slowly execute a judge and a defenseless mother, than continue slowly outside and and gun down the ONE AND ONLY DEPUTY WHO GAVE A DAMN about his job and was diligently trying to do his duty to us, the community and his own honor, then you are responsible for unleashing the evil in your communtiy.Past performance is indicative of future results.And suddenly things that don't seem important......Really Do Matter.Who's watching the store(?),..obviously not the clerks,but don't blame them, they've just been conditoned ,like Pavlov's dogs.Licking their balls while the robbers empty the safe.

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