Thursday, June 09, 2005

Do It Now!! NOW!!!

Children's merriment and joy,
All the hopes we used to know.
All the dreams we used to have,
In the oh so long ago.

As our souls are soaring high,
To the furthest reaching stars.
Can you here those voices sing,
Of the treasures to be ours?

If we started once again,
Would we walk a different track?
Could we change a slight degree,
Change our course and not look back?

It's been long years since last we trod,
Along these avenues of dreams.
And yet we see through filtered hearts,
The sunlit end where hope still gleams.

Have a dream? Have an ambition? Ever want to do something different with your life? Let me ask you this, how many oppurtunities have you passed up to be where you are right now? And what wonderful dreams are you still planning for "someday"?

Let's go back in time. Come with me...come back to a place far away and a time long ago...back to your childhood. You used to say "when I grow up..." now finish that sentence in your head. "When I grow up....".

Now let's move forward, move high school or maybe college or maybe that first job you ever had. You had such big dreams, such high hopes! Anything is possible, everything is before you! Maybe you had a goal, a plan. Maybe you had a dream.

Now come back with me to now. To the present. How long has it been since those early days? Five years? Ten? Twenty years? How far are you from where you thought you would be? Let's ask someone a simple question, let's ask that little child who used to say "when I grow up..." what they think of this adult. "Little child, this adult had big plans and dreams just like you. This adult didn't fulfill those dreams. What do you think of this adult?"

Now let's ask that cocky 20ish person who was going to move the world what they think. "What do you think? Are you disappointed? Depressed? Does it bother you that this person is so far off from where you thought they should be?"

Okay, the truth is we ALL end up different from what we planned. But in the end, when all is said and done, when that great hour is upon you, and time will be no more for you, the last thoughts of a dying soul will be "I should have spent more time at the office..."

Think that's ridiculous? Well then think what your dying thoughts WILL be. What regrets will you have? What "might have beens" will you dwell on?

We all have dreams...ALL of us. But time is a relentless pursuer, and the dreams begin to fade like the last glimmer of sun on a late summer's evening....until they are gone!

I have a friend who wants to start his own business. The nature of it is irrelevant, it's something the average person would not consider. But that's his DREAM! Ignoring it is like ignoring who you are. I know someone else considering moving to San Diego. Don't wait!! Go!! Don't sit here, year after year, thinking about doing it and not doing it.

I was recently told by a coworker that I had outlived my usefulness. It's true. I'm a has-been. My time in the sun has gone but I don't yet realize it. My only reason for coming to work is to provide for my family. On my deathbed I will not give a red rat's ass about the software I'm currently devoting my life to. I have other dreams, other hopes...I have faith in a different future for myself. Will I follow those dreams? Or will I sit here, year after year, day in and day out, caring less and less, and becoming less noticed, less important.

What are you dreams? What do you want out of life? What do you want to be when you grow up? Now what are you doing to get there? Think it might take a long time? If it takes five years to reach your goal and you decide not to try....guess what, in five years you'll be five years older and no closer to your goal.

Wait a few years, maybe longer, keep putting it off, and do you know where you'll be many years from now? Look around you...that's where.

In our last hour we still have a chance to shine. In our final moment we still live! Until the end comes, life is there. Make it worth living.

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