Sunday, October 17, 2010

What's in a face?

What's in a face? Everyone has one but why do we respond to some and not others? Is a face just a shape? I don't think so. A face is at the center of what we consider to be attractive. It is the heart of attraction. What all effects the faces we like? Gender for sure, men in general like round, women like angles, but not always. The frame of an athletic woman is not so very different than an athletic man. Size plays a role sure. Men like to feel big, women like to feel small. But back to the face. It is not surprising that a face can launch a thousand ships. Humans more often than not make the hasty decision that a face represents the heart inside. Is the face just part of the total package? Lots of big girls have pretty faces and big bodies. The odd thing is that big women, don't like big guys. A fat boy, don't have a chance. Are the faces we are attracted to some assimilation of the people that were kind to us as children. I like my grandmothers nose, my aunt Sara's red hair, and my mother's beautiful brown eyes. Do all of these features fuse together and form the face for which we are looking? Or do we go for the opposite of things that we know. The unknown draws us with its mystery, what fun is knowing something? The fun is in finding out. Or is it something completely unpredictable and who we like is the sum of our experiences: the girl that sat next to us on the bus, the women who showed us interest and kindness as children, the hippy chick neighbor, or the hot nerd girl that you secretly lusted over. Do all of us lean toward a certain "look" or do we just like people who are nice to us. I think the answer is even more complicated than I could ever imagine.

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