Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Day One:

I played with my daughter, she built a fort and my job was to peek in a surprise her.

I slept.

I surfed the web.

I had a beer or two.

Being unemployed was something for bums, vagrants, not for me. After fifteen years at the same company, it feels weird.

I was going nowhere, the company is dying, in fact I don't even need or want to think about it. What I think about is....I'm free. I can do things. Anything.

Today I walked into the garage and thought "I need to clean this place up." And I can. I have time. I came across a couple of unfinished projects. Unfinished...not for long.

Before I started this career, I was always thin. I put on weight my first hour on the job and struggled with it for fifteen years. Who I feel thinner, stronger. And after turning forty just five days ago....younger.

Beginnings? No doubt.

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