Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Can't win...

You know, sometimes when you think you're going to do something good and it turns into something bad, it just makes you want to puke....really, really hard.

So I'm on my way to work this morning....earlier than usual. An hour and a half earlier than when I normally come in. I'm excited, I think that for once I'll get home at a decent hour. And then it happened. Either God, or the Devil, or one of those pesky evil mutants, or whoever's in charge of making people miserable happened to notice me. And the idea of my happiness was just too much.

So I'm coming into the parking lot, down one of the ramps, and some guy in front of me slams on his breaks....and I slam on mine....and I barely come to his back bumper. Then he gets out of the car, I'm thinking he's lost. Lost and not too bright to slam on his breaks. So he walks up to my car in a threatening manner, arms out like some thug (nicely dressed thug, looked like a slick salesman) and he says "Why'd you hit me?".

So I says to him, I says "I DIDN'T hit you" and he said "Contact was made", and I says "If I take my foot of the break I WILL hit you" because he'd stopped on a downramp. In hindsight I wish I'd left my foot on the break, put it in reverse, and backed up a foot or so. But I didn't. He wasn't moving, he was standing there next to my car, and so I turned the car off, put it in park, and took my foot of the break. The car rolled forward a half inch or so, and I saw it push on his car. Damn it all to hell!!! So he whips out his cell phone to call the cops on me because I'm such an evil guy, we pull into parking spots, and wait AN HOUR AND A HALF for the cops to come. The cop and security people all shook their heads over the tiny scratch that it made. They asked about my damage, I said I had none, they asked about his damage, and had to wipe the dust away to notice it....tiny piece of paint chipped, about the size of a rye seed. One security guard even commented that maybe the guy was having a bad day.

So now, not only did I NOT get in early, but this guy will undoubtably file a claim against my insurance, since that's what he was most likely after anyway.

Damn it all to hell. Well at least one thing....life's back to sucking again. Good thing, I thought that my coming in early was the start of a good day, but we wouldn't want THAT, no we wouldn't want that at all. That'll teach me.

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