Monday, February 07, 2005

Something no one will care about

But I'll post this anyway, knowing the good readers of this blog will probably not be interested.

When the Da Vinci Code came out a couple of years ago, I was fascinated, and read the whole thing in a short amount of time. I have always been interested in that sort of subject matter, and most of what the author talked about, I already knew.

I sort of fancy myself as a budding writer, and am always starting on books and things that I either never finish or, if I do, never have the nerve to submit to a publisher since I know they'll be rejected.

After finishing reading the Da Vinci Code, I planned a new book. I started researching and outlining a book to "follow up" on the Da Vinci Code, and be a sort of unauthorized "secrets behind the book" book. I didn't get far, although the idea really fascinated me. I eventually got busy in my own life again, and with work, blah blah blah, and never took the time to get very far on it.

Then in the book store I found something that halted all progress on it for good....a half dozen or more books EXACTLY like the one I was working on, already written and published. One of them was getting great reviews and selling well. I bought it, read the introduction, and became depressed. The guy said he read the Da Vinci Code the summer of 2003, the same time I read it, and....AND he runs his own business as his main occupation. So this guy and I both read the book at the same time, both have main jobs other than writing, and HE manages to whip out a book and get it published while I'm still fumbling around on the sidelines.

Not that I could have gotten mine published anyway since I've never published ANYthing, and he's already got several books out. But the point is there's a difference between him and me....he did it, he finished his book; I didn't finish mine...didn't hardly even try.

So my claim that I don't have the spare time is really bogus. I just don't MAKE the time. Since I turn 40 this year, it's probably time to stop playing around and start doing what I need to do in order to do what I want to do. What do YOU want to do when you grow up? Are you doing it? Because guess what, you're grown up now.

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