Monday, February 21, 2005

Take that in your pipe and smoke it.

Well, well well..even more interesting news afoot.Yet more proof to my continual campaign of "what the fuck is wrong with you people,do you all really suck that much, and just how desperate are all you dumbass'es?. Apparently you all know no limits". I am no longer surprised, but I think all of your continual pathetic attempts at justifying your stillborn relationships need cataloging.Really how can you all go on without these endless charades, perhaps you never considered some me time ,or all your conscienses filled with such despair that you will hurl yourself into any sad little pretences of romance? Is that what is wrong with you, relationships just so you don 't sleep alone at night? Are you afraid to be with just yourselves?How sad.You spend all your time telling yourself ,Well I dont't love this person, but I think I'll be with them until :the power gets shut off,I find the right one(HA,.. a woman told me once she let a guy move onto her couch and two kids and 20 years later SHE moved out...oh yeah and the right one will come along but they will see what a loser you are with now and make a beeline to the next state to get away from your baggage and you, you are becoming the unsalvageable one...), I can fix this one, all they need is a little love from me to change from/to..stop drinking..doing drugs,..see what a smart person they are and get a real job, stop beating me,..sitting on the couch all day on their naked goat hairy ass and listening to their dubious collection of music.Do I believe in real love you ask? How can anyone observe such meaningless relationships and not believe in Love.Well I guess my definition of what a relationship should consist of is outdated and archaic.How about respect, huh..a little passee,perhaps a little misused.Now I have had persons tell me that they respect me and then turn around and hit me blindsided with a sledgehammer when I least expected it.Not my term of respect(just to clarify if your definition is closer to the sledgehammer). No I mean consider the other persons feelings at all times,just not when its convenient to one.Things like I hurt your feelings and I'm sorry, let me make it up to you. Or better yet how about not doing it in the first place,huh..huh..novel concept.Show somebody you love them by giving them little surprises... the nice kind,like fix them dinner, buy them something they don't know that you know they need or want..not the other way around like "Oh yea here's a surprise,I need fifty bucks from you for gas this week, cause I had to sleep late on monday and I missed work"Or I caused a situation that I don't have the money to pay for so I expect you to help me out.I always thought real relationships were about growing together, no not in your pedestrian sad little way of maybe learning one astounding thing about yourself in in 10 years(LIKE HOW MUCH BULLSHIT YOU WILL PUT UP WITH FROM YOU PARTNER BEFORE YOU WANT OUT). No I mean really learning something together, maybe how in a real crisis(NO, NOT THE I CAN 'T FIND MY KEYS, MY BLUE SOCK ETc..kind)But in the one of you is really sick and how the other one helps ,or real not-self-inflicted financial kind and the other steps up to the plate and covers the others ass kind.Hopefully no naked goat hairy ass'es will be covered but there are those that buy into the pity factor and will do anything for a loser.NOT LOVE . SAY IT SLOWLY.. CO -DE-PEN-DEN-CY.See picture of you.
Recently documented examples of above text;
Sitting with Jackie the shooter girl,age 22 lives around Lenox,blonde ,pretty Ga State student by day , drives a nice car, recently furnished condo.As follows, she has boyfriend, 21 1/2 years old from nice family,been going out for three months but he just got out of jail for 3rd DUI. Disowned by parents,cast alone into the world,must be 49th time I've heard about how a 3day stay in holding caused said person(s) to lose their apartment.Hey babe help a guy out,I've got no where else to go and ahhhh ... I like luv you and stuff.Car breaks down with $1500 transmission problem,she feels guilty cause he was driving her somewhere at the time so it's like her fault you know.And since he dosen't have a car he's got no job.So he borrows money from her and say's "what does it matter If Ineed money from you, you make it at the strip club..!!!!!!!(OH ,SO IT 'S DIRTY MONEY ,BUT NOT SO DIRTY HE CAN 'T TAKE IT ,BUT STILL VERY UNPLEASENT FOR HIM.)
the phone rings and its Jamey,the sex goddess. Hey guess who's living with me now..? Wow ,I've got no idea ,clue me in.Weellll, it's your old girlfriend Monica.What,I haven't heard from her in ages.Yeah her boyfriend threw her out the day after Valentines day after she moved back from Key West to be with him. She moved down there and started her own business, they had broken up but he begged for her to come back.The same guy that broke into her apartment on Lenox road. Yeah, well wait it gets better, she was back in town for a week with him and he woke her up after what she said was a wonderful Valentines day and told her to get out NOW.So she called me at 6am in tears and asked if she could move into my place for a while. She had given up her business and a nice condo on the beach to come back here and now she had to put everything in storage. But wait while I was at work, and she was at the storage place, he broke into my house and ransacked all of her suitcases,while(JAMIE,s) my friend Doug (with benefits) was asleep in my bed.So curiousty gets the better of me and I'm invited to dinner.Monica greets me at the door and looks better than ever,she even had lost 20 pounds in the bargain. So at least you people that co-habitate/date disfunctionally can claim weight loss from stress as a benefit.


rbutler said...
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rbutler said...

No thats funny, but that was in Jamey's voice about her Doug, who looks like chubby William Shatner, by the way is the pudgy boy look in this year?I used to know fat guy's who get never get laid but beer guts are really big now, not the new beer gut on an old boyfriend but the old beer gut on a new boyfriend. 'Chubby chasers' ,I guess are now the thing.