Saturday, January 08, 2005

Action Report ,deck of the HMS Surprise ,Sea of Rosados Del Potro

All in all an excellent day.Up early booked lots of jobs from providence's kind hand.Swung into action in the field and picked up the VELVET SLEDGEHAMMER to walk out a few golf course's for new work.Took her to lunch at Panera Bread, toured a pet shop and watched a few giant birds accost the customers.Oh yes ,stopped in a customers shop and shared tales of Las Vegas scenery, the desert and gambling losses/wins. Dropped off the VELVET SLEDGEHAMMER ,shot up Paces Ferry road to an antique shop, discussed with the cute shop girl her German background, government housing for the Soldiers in Macon,found some fascinating art prints,bought a Tibetian Trunk for me ,noticed a Indian made marble jewerly box. Bought it for the the Sledge Hammer and dropped it at her night job with the owner Zeke,talked about old McDonough GA with Jubal, an institution of Buckhead and best damn beer tub guy in the world.Shot over to Lenox mall, picked up a new dancing top for Allure(a real cute sexy black thing with a zipper front.. grrrr.) Walked into a shop and shot the breeze with another shop girl for about half an hour.Got a call from the VELVET SLEDGEHAMMER< loved the box.Zipped over to the Rosados Del Potro to meet Allure and give her the top, waved in past the rest by the Duke, standup guy of the house.Found a decent seat ,Allure in a good mood , sorry her friend was sick and couldn't stay.Had a drink chated up a few folks,Hell yeh,...Kelly is here,...Tiny shooter girl is here...Spend the rest of the night with them and even sweet Selma Blair type hottie waitress.No stretch of the truth to say that I was with the best looking girls of the house, even the drinks tasted sweeter. When one got up the others would sit down. The day had a rhythm that was never broken.. can spring be far away..??

1 comment:

GS3 said...

My day in comparision went like this: I got up, I went to work, I sat in a cube all day, I went home, ate left-overs and went to bed. It would take me a thousand years to accomplish what rbutler has done in a single Friday. RButler's Friday has one thing that my Friday did not...motion. I certainly went through all of the efforts to simulate motion. I sat in traffic, which is like motion but not. I used a computer, which is like actually doing something but not. I got up in the morning, which certainly has more effort than sleeping, but no rewards were ever given for just getting up. Oh, did I mention that my company had another round of layoffs last Friday. Usually, I hear the rumors and know what is going down days before it actually goes down. This time there was nothing. The execs are getting better at their cost-cutting efforts. I guess it takes a few times of doing something before the old muscle memory kicks in, and next thing you know you are doing something with such fluidity that you could not possibly be conscience of it. Okay, back to rbutler's day. This day may have well been the perfect day. Good start, good middle, great finish. And to top it all off, he still had time to post his day on this little blog. I have said this before and I will say it again. There is something empowering about rbutler taking control of his life. All I have to do it think about, him out tackling the world and somehow I have the energy to keep on trucking through another day. Don't get me wrong, everyone works, it is just that some work has the feeling of movement and other work feels like doing nothing. Both types of work require equal effort, but one type seems to provide the reward of completion which can convince someone to continue in a forward movement. The non-moving type of work, is soul-sucking and unapprecitated. No one knows what you do until you are not doing it. That type of work is like air, we take it for granite until we don't have any, then we will make promises to God for more, and when God gives us the air again, we revert back to our non grateful selves and breathe oxygen in bucket loads. In the end, I feel like I am working. I get a check every two weeks. I complain about my boss and eat lunch with my cube mates. I am engulfed in the illusion of work. I just don't see the fruits of my labor. Am I only working for money. Money is nice. I like it allot actually but being the greedy bastard I am, it is not enough. For instance: after you cut the grass, you can look back over your yard and bask in the lush smell of watermelon on the wind. You can look at your neatly trimmed lawn an take a pride in it. I never get this feeling of accomplishment and if I want to smell watermelon I have to take the money they paid me and buy one.