Friday, January 28, 2005

Evil Women and the Men Who Hate Them

I have noticed a prevailing theme in some of rbutler's posts....a subject that GS3 and I have discussed as well, so it wil be the topic of today's post.

What the heck is wrong with these women?!?

There, I said it, and I'm not looking back. We all know the kind of women we're talking about, they end up with some loser guy, never amount to much in life, etc...and never seem to learn from their mistakes.

Now to be sure, I want it clearly stated that I am not referring to all women, in fact most women I've known, my lovely wife included, are very well balanced and lead normal lives. But others are just crap magnets. Give them a nice guy and they'll show no interest. One of the obvious theories is that they have very low self esteem. A nice guy is threatening to them, they feel 1) he's just being nice, he doesn't really like me, 2) he's putting on airs, trying to be better than me and my friends, 3) he's different than me and I fit better with a stupid redneck, 4) other reasons I can't think of now.

Maybe it also has to do with how they were raised. I've heard a lot of what women look for in a man is based on their own fathers. So if they never got the kind of love and attention they needed from their father, then they'll look for a man who treats them the same way. My daughter is two now, and I spend all my spare time with her. Hopefully as she grows up she'll get all the love and attention she needs, and the confidence and discipline she needs as well.

One thing that really pisses me off about these loser women is that they hate a nice guy! And it's never an outward thing, they never say "hey you're nice, I hate you." They'll be friends to you, they'll outwardly act like they have an interest in you. I think at some level they know in their head that you are the kind of person they are SUPPOSE to like, but you just can't argue with the heart, baby! And that tobacco chewing rebel who can't pass another guy in a hallway without feeling threatened and staring them down is just tugging at her heartstrings!

They've been taught for years the old song of living the American dream, going to college, getting a good career, meeting a nice, stable guy, getting married in a church, buying a house in the suburbs, raising a few kids, driving a minivan, getting a dog and a cat.....but it's all lipservice to them. The role models in their lives didn't do that, so at the same time that they HEAR these are the things a good girl is suppose to strive for, they don't SEE it in their friends and families, so they really can't relate to it. They end up chasing after the same kind of boys their mother did. And then start popping out babies when they're 16.

What bugs me also, is how the parents never take responsibility to discipline them. It's never their kids' fault, it's always the cops who are out to harrass the kids for no reason, it's always the water company who just didn't like them so they shut off their water..... and when faced with the obvious state of affairs, that their son or daughter ended up ruining their life, they say "well that's just life" instead of saying "you did this to yourself" or "I should have disciplined you better" or "I realize I wasn't a good role model for you"..... And so the situation is self perpetuating, because their kids then have kids of their own and they won't say to them, "I ruined my life but I'll raise you the right way". Instead they say "mommy is staying out late tonight, honey, can you put your little sister to bed?" or "this is your new daddy, be nice to him, not like your loser father."

Another problem, as GS3 describes it and I'm paraphrasing (read: stealing his ideas), is that beautiful women never learn to get along correctly in life, because they are beautiful. I am an average looking guy. And as such, I have had moderate successes in life, and many failures. You can't compete with tall guys, guys with good hair, guys in good shape, guys with a cooler car, guys with better clothes (especially the suit..."he must know what he's talking about", "why", "he's wearing a suit"). This is what the world has taught us. I don't fret over it, it can't be changed, and I probably add to it myself. So, since I have none of the above mentioned qualities I have strived to learn other skills and personality traits in order to survive.

Good looking girls have got to be the same way. Since they don't have a NEED to be as smart or as nice, they don't always foster those traits. Now, once again, I'm not saying that applies all across the board, and many parents go to great lengths to instill good qualities in their daughters. However, many, MANY other females who are beautiful, learn very early in life to get their way with their looks. "How to open doors with just a smile", (Eagles).

They don't HAVE to be nice to guys, because guys are suckers enough to come back again and again. The simple HOPE of a possibility of being with them outweighs the humiliation they put you through. And they know it, and use it to their advantage. And if you're not what they're looking for, they don't tell you because then you'll stop giving them gifts and buying them dinner and loaning them money that they just spend on getting their redneck loser boyfriend out of jail, and when you find out you get mad and swear to never speak to her again, but then she calls and says she sorry and can we still be friends, and we guys are stupid enough to think "hey maybe I can still get lucky with her..., maybe THIS time it will be different", and so it goes on and on. In the words of Milhouse from the Simpsons, "if I do everything she asks she's BOUND to respect me." And of course they love the attention you give them, so leading you along is just the name of the game. If we really could get inside their heads and realize what fools we are, we would probably join a monastery, or form a He-Man-Woman-Hater's club.

Average looking people grow up with enough adversity that they learn from it and develop character. (or people who REALIZE they're average looking, not some ugly chick who thinks she's hot and then when you turn her down she gets all pissed and gets some guy to beat you up, claiming you hit on her, and then you're friends make fun of you because you got beat up and because they think you hit on an ugly chick).

Then some hot chick turns you down because you were too nice to her, then shacks up with a dude who beats on her, "but only when he drinks which he only does because he keeps getting fired from his jobs just because he misses a few days, he's really a nice guy if you get to know him and he only cheated on me once...twice if you count the one time with my sister but that's my fault because I had dinner with an old boyfriend and didn't tell him....but he tries to be a good daddy to our kids, one of which is his and one is ours and the others are mine, even though defax tried to take them away just because we were smoking pot in front of them, I mean it's not like it was a LOT of pot and they were asleep anyway, all except for bubba junior who was out all night or my oldest girl who was staying with her boyfriend because we got in a fight when I told her that her real daddy was no good, but she better not be late for school tomorrow because she's only in the ninth grade..."

The word for the day is "bitterness".

More on this subject later......

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