Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Mr Winkle

Who is the mysterious Mr Winkle? This is a deep question which will no doubt lead to more puzzling questions. Simply put, Mr Winkle is like no one you've ever met. He's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, as some might put it. His penchant for fashion never ceases to amaze me. How now can we hope to understand such a creature? Well, I'm hopefully going to give a good starting point. First of all, my interest is purely intellectual. For it is in the mind that one must gather the faculties necessary to understand the grandness of Mr Winkle. Is he cute? Of course he's cute. Is that all he is? Absolutely not! Mr Winkle is the embodiment of all that is right in the world. Through him we know that everything can turn out okay. He is a beacon of hope.

I digress, however. The question was who. Who is Mr Winkle? I cannot tell you the answer. Words do not have the ability to express someone as complex and deeply powerful as Mr Winkle. So, I must show you. Before I show you, be prepared for a life changing event. Your life as you know it is about to change forever. Soak in this moment. Think about your life today and ponder how your current outlook on life is. It is about to change...

Mr Winkle

1 comment:

GS3 said...

Mr. Winkle may be the most mysterious creature on the planet. Is he a dog ? Is he a cat ? Is he a cat-dog ? I have even heard some rumors that Mr. Winkle is an alien that escaped from the notorious Area 51 in New Mexico. Whatever Mr. Winkle really is does not matter, to me he is a symbol of all that is good in the world. Would Mr. Winkle make a good president...probabley. Could Mr. Winkle unite the world in an everlasting peace....definitley. Mr.Winkle's has single-handedly cornered the market on cute-ness is not afraid to unlease this stockpile on the world. Are you grumpy ? Are you a stingy, empty-souled villian, rotten to the core with hate ? Well, too bad , there is a new sheriff in town and his name is Mr. Winkle !