Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Tao of Poo

How do two people go from actually wanting to spend free time together to detesting everything that person does or says ? For instance, I got a call last week from my girlfriend D. She did not bother with the customary, "hello", or the banal, "how are you doing?", she leap right into the meat of the conversation. "Is there some reason you chose to shit up our upstairs bathroom ?", she said with hatred in her voice. I was floored. I did not know what to say. Yes, I had done a little business the night before in the upstairs guest bathroom, but surely I flushed. "I guess you were too drunk and forgot to flush", she added bitterly. She was right, I was feeling pretty good the night before, but surely in my enlightened state, I was still able to manage the flushing of my poo. "Maybe the toilet backed up", I said timidly. "What in the hell do you want me to do about all this shit !", she snipped at me one more time. "Get a bucket, maybe ?" "Throw in some carrots and potatoes ( if there weren't already in there), and make a stew?" "I don't know, call a plumber D". Now if D had never met me, and she was still living alone. She would have just called a plumber and the case of the terrible turds would have been solved. But for some reason being in a relationship has somehow caused D to stop being a human being. I have seen it happen in many relationships, not just mine. The nit picking, the back biting that seem to follow familiarity. After 5 or 6 serious relationships I can only come to the conclusion that men and women are not meant to live together and remain healthy, happy, human beings. A slight distance seems to increase feelings for other people, while familiarity, as we know breeds contempt. Perhaps a solution would be to have two houses in adjoining towns. This would facilitate closeness without suffocation. It would be more expensive for sure, but living in hell is expensive too.

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