Monday, January 03, 2005

The reverse of the medal

Well it's amazing how two people can be in the same place at the same time and have two different realities. Perhaps I had worn G3 out already by dragging him down to the low end of Moreland Ave to make a new year dinner drop on my octogenerian uncle. Now a shut- in with illness and age. G3 likes to start his evenings early but kindly accepted to ride shotgun(literally)to my mother-brothers house in a neighborhood that hardly notices the three landfills next door.If you ever pass by a landfill and notice the reek of fresh baked twinkies empotently trying to cover the other sorts of smells , this is just a deoderant made to sprayed out by nozzles, no kidding. But back to the trip ,after our mission of mercy I gave G3 a tour of my favorite movie store and then we went to our favorite destination Rosados del Potro.Deader than the night before it was, with an even less attractive crowd.However now it seems to be the place to take your girlfriend,I understand this as many of my female friends and employees are only to happy to accompany me on "company picnics" there. After finding Allure at the door we secured a table of unenviable location that still awarded me a excellent view of some of the sorriest non-tipping patrons I have seen in some time.Now true, many of the dancers there were not my taste but I am exceedingly discriminating gentleman who marvels why some of the most malformed patrons would resist a table from anybody but Gilligan.But then things got good for me...A dame walked up to my table and when I took in the view it was like a stick of dynamite went off in my head. 100% Nitro racing fuel bottled in a svelte package that Milan has yet to invision.Seen before but never truly contemplated. An epiphany wraped in an enigma. When the dance began I found my temperture climb and at the end I produced an exhorbitant tip for the lady that many might reproach for but I felt a banal gesture at best.Later we discussed a common passion in motorcycles(relatively older in me this interest.ahem as I precede by no small years) and I hold to faint illusion of a nascent connection.Later I did secure the aforementioned number of the earth -bound angel of a shooter girl,with hopes of yet another rendezvous eminent .

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