Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Call me back in 5 minutes

I know better than to call my father, but there is hardly a week that goes by that I don't pick up my cell phone, dial his number and wince. I keep hoping that one day my real dad will answer and not this mentally off-center rage-aholic. I cannot imagine carrying on a semi-normal, civil conversation with him.

"Dad, have you been watching the Sopranos on HBO"?
"I LOVE The Sopranos, let's meet for lunch and talk about last weeks episode"
"Sounds great, let's meet at subway"
"Okay son, but I am paying"
"Ha ha ha ha, ...oh dad", and then I would smile.

Boy would that be weird. Everyone has heard the famous explanation of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. If that definition is true then I am insane when it comes to hoping that my dad realizes that he is a human being one day and acts accordingly. Again and again he chops off my head, and again and again I stick my neck out over the block. I recently saw an interview with Burt Reynolds and he said that he did not make piece with his dad until his dad was 93 years old. I really don't want to wait that long.


Unknown said...

If it were as easy as just making peace with him... My father believes there is peace between us. Then when I tell I've got another young-un on the way I hear the same kind of crap I've heard all my life.
"If it's a boy, let him live with your brother or sister to make a man out of him".


rbutler said...

There is always hope as long as he breathes but the Devil will bide his time.He has sundered kingdoms , broken true love and created long lines at the checkout,he may decide to give you a nice phone call one day. A wise man told me once that a person will get off a nail if they sit long enough on it but I think most folks ass"ES grow around it.