Sunday, January 09, 2005

The Other Side Of Midnight

Today we took down the Christmas tree. I am glad really. This holiday season seemed to pass like a week with the flu: slow and uncomfortable. Nothing bad happened. I actually got a really cool GPS, a nice sweater and a couple of days off work. However, I could not shake an underlying feeling of ill-ease. Maybe it was knowing that 2005 would be the last year that I spent in my thirties. Maybe it was just a premonition that I am on the brink of change. Maybe it was the full moon fucking up my sleep patterns. Whatever it was, it did not leave me until the tree came down. I have always heard about the great depression that is shared among humanity during the holidays. I have had some sub-par Christmas's myself but thank God the State of Georgia anticipated the need for alcohol on Jesus’ birthday and allowed for the selling of ice-cold, mind-numbing beer. Christmas is not the bad holiday for me; it is New Years that never seems to stop sucking. There is something sad about New Years. All that hope. All those goodbyes. And that kiss. That midnight kiss with the power to forgive. That kiss, which in a moment can fill our hearts with enough hope to keep us running until it is time to kiss again. That kiss, when done correctly, can stop time and keep us safe for a moment from what waits on the other side of midnight.

1 comment:

rbutler said...

AHHH yes the kiss.That window of passion you share with that person. I had a girlfriend once that could kiss you and make you feel a certain rapture that would fill your soul.A kind of glow would come from her through her kiss ,an ecstasy that has yet to be to be matched by any woman I have known.She was cute , sweet, uncomplicated and almost never in a bad mood, and I still think of her fondly. Lost touch with her through the years, but I hope she is happy and loved as all great kissers should be.